Posts tagged relationships
How To Create Strong Business Relationships

One of my favourite business quotes is from Kendrick Shope:

“All things being equal, friends buy from friends. All things being unequal, friends buy from friends.”

The same principle applies even if you’re not in sales mode. Relationships – friendships – are one of the must-have tools in running a business, and learning how to cultivate strong, healthy relationships will take you far.

Read on to find out how...

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Professional Communication: To swear? Or not to swear?

The first time I swore was while on vacation in Florida with my family. I was about 13, and had dropped my copy of Wuthering Heights into the hotel pool. As it landed, a great big s-bomb flew out of my mouth. I looked at my Dad, and it was one of those moments where you’re filled with fear…but also pride that you’ve somehow crossed over from childhood to adolescence.

My repertoire has expanded since then, and frankly, sometimes I surprise myself. But, I still consider myself to be poised, polite and professional…so I choose my audiences and timing carefully.

Is it appropriate to swear in a negotiation? Does it hurt your cause? Or can it actually move you forward? Let’s take a closer look at the 3 things you need to consider before dropping a bomb…

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4 Tips For Negotiating With A Friend

Business is all about creating personal connections. Whether it’s meeting face-to-face at networking events, following each other on Twitter or sharing your experiences in a mastermind or workshop – it’s all about connections.

As an entrepreneur or indie business owner, you’re also likely connecting with people that share similar outlooks on business and life – these are folks that just ‘get it’.

Doing business with a friend can be an opportunity to help each other out or to collaborate on an exciting project. Your work together may feel more like a passion project than real business. Which is why breaking up the fun with a – gulp – negotiation may be something you try to avoid.

But you don’t have to. 

Negotiation and friendships can (and should!) co-exist, and having one in your life doesn’t have to mean rejecting the other. It won’t always be easy – but here are my top 4 tips for how you can make this work. You can have your friendships and your great business deals too.

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The Surprisingly Positive Side Effect To Raising Your Prices

Increasing your prices can lead to some great side effects - higher revenue, greater confidence, a lot less resentment - but there are some side effects that are scarier than they are scintillating.

In today's edition of The Smiley Sessions, you'll find out which one of these fears is actually something you want to have happen...

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The Key To Getting What You Want

A big roadblock to embracing negotiation in your business is the feeling that it’s all about negotiating ‘against’ someone. The feeling that you need to beat them, or wage war to emerge victorious. Nope. Not how it works. Lower your weapons, shake off that fear, and embrace the mindset that what you’re really doing is negotiating with the other person.

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Embrace Your Natural Negotiation Style

Ew. Negotiation. It’s right up there with ‘Sales’ when it comes to people’s reactions to the word.

What comes to mind for you? Icky? Slimy? Sleazy? Cheap? Greedy? Selfish?

Sure, negotiation can be like that…but it doesn’t have to be. That’s a choice you make.

Your negotiations can be classy, generous, warm and friendly. Just like you.

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