Achieve Massive Impact With Tiny Steps

negotiation mindset increments


It’s easy to get seduced by the big shiny numbers thrown around about growing your business. Hitting six figures, doubling your subscribers, scoring thousands of new customers each month…it’s intriguing, but let’s face it, unrealistic. What is entirely do-able is figuring out a way to bump up, or shave down each element of your business by 5%. It’s not about making giant leaps once a year, but smaller ones every single week or month that compound over time. Charge 5% more for each new project. Reduce your overhead by 5% a few times a year. Heck- extend your vacation by just a few days…and reap the rewards.

Your #Mindsetreset Homework

Pick something – anything – and improve it by 5% this week. Send that proposal at a higher rate. Call the cable company and ask for a discount. Add a few minutes onto your next workout. Get started with those baby steps to embracing incremental growth.

What are you tackling this week? Looking for ideas or accountability? Let me know in the comments below!